A Quick Hit: Tails Noir
Tails Noir is a beautiful narrative adventure that subverts its genre in a disappointing way.

The Phantom Menace: 25th Ani
Time has been kind to the Prequel Trilogy, but old heads have long memories.

Standard Issue: Hip-Hop, Vol. 1
Ten essential tracks from a slice of hip-hop’s Golden Age.

September 29th, 1998: A Landmark Day for Hip-Hop
Jay-Z and OutKast dropped historic albums on the same day and changed the game.

Grunge God
Layne Staley wasn’t the rock icon of his era, but he was the sound and fury of grunge music.

Hop-Heavy: Great Notion Brewing & Aesop Rock
Shred a pair of earbuds and remedy your thirst with a dose of Rose City magic.

Kurt Cobain: Formulate Infinity
Thirty years after his suicide, Kurt Cobain’s artistry still resonates with sonic youth.

The Matrix: 25th Anniversary
This nighmarish spin on our reality celebrates its quarter-century mark and has never felt more relevant than now.

Hop-Heavy: Mango Chile Ale & Vince Staples
A union of flavors that could have only been crafted in So Cal.

Hop-Heavy: “Voodoo Ranger” Links Up With “Voodoo Child”
New Belgium Brewing's "Voodoo Ranger" and Jimi Hendrix's "Voodoo Child" are a perfect match.

Saving Private Ryan: 25th Anniversary
Steven Spielberg’s tour-de-force Word War II movie is an incredible homage to the soldiers who stormed Omaha Beach and a bleak reminder of the horrors of war.

Return of the Jedi: 40 Years and the Force is Still Strong
Episode six in the nine-movie Star Wars saga is an entertaining conclusion to the beloved Original Trilogy.

Born to Rage Against Them
The incredible force and raw power of ‘Rage Against The Machine’ redefined political activism and rock ‘n roll.

Dodgers blow a 3-run lead in the 7th inning and lose more than this series to the Padres
Is this how it’s going to be now?