Dreamers Can’t Only Dream
Dreamers only dream. Be a doer.
Hi. My name is Nick, and I am an aspiring writer. That’s what you call someone who wants to be respected for their writing and/or paid to write, but spends time thinking about writing instead of doing it. To my credit, I do more than just think about writing. I studied it in college (B.A. and M.A.), so I’ve done it a lot, and before that I filled notebooks from middle school to high school with stories and dialogues. After graduating, I never stopped putting pen to paper, scratching out ideas, and getting projects off the ground. I just abandoned them at some point, but a strange thing happened last year. Our world as we knew it stopped functioning, and that meant there were some terrible consequences for humanity. 2020 was ugly and painful. Those of us who were fortunate enough to survive didn’t come out the same way we went in, for better or worse.
I made it out of the year doing a little better in some areas of life and worse in others. One of the positive changes was this commitment to finishing writing projects. None of them are currently getting me paid, but it’s a hobby. It’s food for my soul. We all need that. Some folks rebuild classic cars. Some folks go hunting. Some folks play in adult recreational sports leagues or paint happy little trees. I write paragraphs.
This blog site, Writer by Night, began as an idea that my cousin and I kicked around during a conversation we had earlier this year. We were talking about putting our writing out into the saturated digital world of blogs. The two of us, middle-aged aspiring writers, still hanging on to old dreams and wrestling with our egos. We decided to join Medium and start a publication (that I will shamelessly promote on this site). We figured there is no better time than now, so we finally threw our hats into the ring to see what happens. Talk to us about it again in five years.
Despite the clean look and user friendly online publishing platform, Medium is limited for non-premium members who don’t want to pay a fee to have unlimited access to articles. That in turn limits who can read our publication and how many times they can read it. I decided to buy some web domains and expand our brand. There isn’t really a brand, but you never know. The point is to have more exposure. If you’re reading this, it’s working. Thanks for visiting!
We don’t have many opportunities in our lifetime to make good on a dream. When the chance comes, you have to take it or move on and never look back. If I was a billionaire who always dreamed of going to space, I would build a rocket and launch my ass up there as soon as I could. However, I’m only a hundredaire with a measly dream to write a book and hope 100 people I don’t know read it and love it (let’s be honest, if 10 people read it and loved it, I would be stoked). I’ve pushed this off for too long, for no good reason. It’s just writing a bunch of paragraphs anyway. I might have a better shot of winning the lottery and flying to space, though.